Sunday, February 11, 2007

About the difference between today and the future

Now at: Gelare Cafe, Suntec City
Currently listening to: Firehouse's I Live My Life For You

Yesterday, after sending my wife off at the airport, I met a friend while on my way back to the car.

We had a brief chat and he asked me, "What's your plans man? Still doing the same stuff next year?"

I found it impossible to give a firm and clear answer to him.

Who knows what the future holds?

We can plan and plan. Strangely, the view of the future has never been crystal clear.

All I know is, do the work that comes your way, with a touch of excellence, and enjoy the process.

That's kept me going in my current job for almost 5 years now.

I'm blessed with a great job, and the best things about it are the colleagues and students.

But even from day one, these questions loom in my head, sometimes giving me a gentle nudge, sometimes burning in my mind:

Is this what I want?

Is this what my life is about?

I can't be doing this all my life, can I?

Time to move on, perhaps?

I really don't have all the answers.

But I do know this: It's pointless to think too much about the past, and it is a waste of energy to contemplate too much about the future.

It is all about this: Live for today, make it good, make it better, for today has its ups and downs already.

And guess what, living each day well could very well translate into a secure future, and leave behind a past that is adorned with pleasant memories.

It's adamantly clear: we only have one chance to live today well. Don't blow it.

Each day is really a gift. Make the best out of it.

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