Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sobering words that actually make sense

"Entrepreneurship is about excellence - not excellence measured in awards, or other people's approval, but the sort one achieves for oneself, by exploring what the world has to offer. It is important to look for one's strengths - to try to excel at what you are good at.

What you're bad at doesn't actually interest people, and it certainly shouldn't interest you. However accomplished you become in life, the things you are bad at will always outnumber the things you are good at. So don't let your limits knock your self-confidence. Put them to one side and push yourself towards your strengths.

Successful people aren't in possession of secrets known only to themselves. Don't obsess over people who appear to you to be 'winners', but listen instead to the wisdom of people who've led enriching lives - people, for instance, who've found time for friends and family. Be generous in your interpretation of what success looks like.

In life, all that matters is that you do something positive. Enjoy your life - you only get one."

Richard Branson

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