Saturday, May 26, 2007

About IHG photos and your blog links

Even though the IHG Captain's Ball championship was a great success, there was a slight regret.

I had neglected to appoint an official photographer for the event!

So if you have any photos of the event - whether they are photos of the players, officials, teachers, supporters etc - as long as the photos are related to the event, I would appreciate it if you could share them with me.

Do email me your photos at I hope to compile an album!

Do help spread the word around too. Thank you!

Also, I've noticed some of the blog links are no longer valid. If you've changed your blog address and you would like me to link you, I will be glad to, so drop me a message under the 'comments' section with your new blog address. Cheers.


Azurrah said...

Hello! Azurrah here. Do link me -

The Mighty Thor said...

Hello Zura, got u linked up already. Have a great holiday and keep in touch!