Wednesday, May 16, 2007

About pushing on, till the end

Keep holding on to those revision plans, 4E5.

You've promised to the Teachers, to your parents, maybe even to your friends, and most importantly, to yourself. You have made that sacred promise to study, to revise, to understand, to perfect.

If you've strove and stumbled badly at this Mid Year Examinations, then choose to be a winner. Pick yourself up, brush off the dust, and keep moving forward.

NEVER ever lose sight of the ultimate goal you dream of.

The road ahead will be tough. You will face obstacles again and again, from within and from without, that will threaten to impede your progress.

You must keep your eye on the end-goal - and that is success at the O Levels.

This is the grandest prize of all, lofty yet attainable.

Work with the Teachers. Change the ways you study.

Just keep doing it. Don't stop!

Success may just be a fingertip away. Just reach out, lean forward, stretch your dreams.

There may yet be a happy ending for you all.


Anonymous said...

oh wow..
i know this msg is for the E5s only. But somehow,,it encourage me too to do my best. x>>
thks mr ng.

The Mighty Thor said...

Hey KiDd, how did you do for the exams? Miss reading & replying to those letters you used to write to me during English lessons. Yes, do give your best and spend the June holidays catching up on your work, especially the Sec 3 stuff. Take good care.