Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Twin beauties

It's been a while since we dined at the reclusive One Degree 15 Marina, located at the serene Sentosa Cove.

This time, we made good on our promise to each other, and went there for a great lunch. The meal was good but the fresh air and peaceful surroundings certainly elevated the dining experience. And of course, it is wonderful to dine with my dear missus and baby girl.

After another day spent in the school, it is actually very therapeutic to head out to somewhere, away from people and noise, and sit down. It really drives away the numberless thoughts that can ricochet around in one's head.

Baby Mikayla was once again kicking happily, clearly delighted to be in the outdoors once again.

1 comment:

Eaststopper said...

Looks like potential candidates for Mrs Singapore and Miss Singapore.
See you soon!